
Feeling overhwelmed

DD has had alot of issues with weight gain and reflux. Not to mention the fact that she is an extremely fussy baby. She is 3 months old and barely weighs 9lbs.  Yesterday I took her to a pediatric GI dr.  After having 2 diapers in the last few weeks come out negative, this diaper came out positive for blood.  They think she may have a protein allergy.  I was given the option of going on a strict veggies only diet or to switch DD to formula.  I felt really overwhlemed by everything.  I swear I cried all day and night yesterday.  I know how miserable I would be on that kindof diet.  I know alot of people do it, but I really don't think I can.  I really wish that I could though.  I'm just really struggling with it all.    I feel like I somehow failed her.  I just feel like I have so many emotions going through me right now. SHe has an appointment Monday to have some test run at the hospital.  They're sending her home with a tube in her nose to see how much she is actually refluxing.  I'm just so tired of all this.  I'm just ready for it to be all over.  I guess I won't be browsing this board anymore.  But whatever is best for her I'll do.  


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