

I'm trying to find a compromise with EPing and FFing.  Right now, BFing just isn't working out, and while I hate my pump with a passion, I'm not ready to give up entirely.

I EPed with my daughter for four months and then just couldn't take it any more.  I think if I had paid attention to the fact that it doesn't have to be all or nothing, I could have gone longer.

Because of time constrains (and personal pump hatred), I was hoping to pump 3x a day this time around.  My question is can this be done starting so early?  Right now, I've switched to pumping every time DS eats since DH is home to feed him at the same time.  Starting Monday, DH goes back to work, so I'd end up spacing out my pumping sessions until I was doing one in the morning, one during DD's nap time, and one at night.

Is this doable?  Will I still get some milk this way, or will it completely tank my supply since I never actually built it up?

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