
Weird periods after RCS + tubal?

DD was born on 04/05 via RCS. I had my tubes tied.

Since then, I have had 2 really weird periods. I got the first period at a little over 5 weeks pp. I had some cramping & a backache with light bleeding. The bleeding would stop for a day or two and pick back up. It was never heavy enough to soak a pad.

I got the 2nd period last week. It started out as a medium flow, tapered off after 2 days, disappeared, starting bleeding again 2 days later, stopped bleeding after that one day and here I am, bleeding AGAIN 3-4 days later.

What the heck is going on? Is this normal as a result of a tubal?

(I BF'd for the 1st month. DD is currently FF.) 

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