

For the past two and a half days my 2mo old has had difficulty nursing--he is hungry, but when I try to latch him on he starts crying and pulls away. He doesn't entirely refuse the breast, because he keeps trying to latch on, but he only stays on for a few sucks before pulling off again. It's almost like he's in pain when he sucks. He was okay for his night feedings, but during the day it's awful. 

 Over the phone the lactation consultant suggested it was an overactive letdown--which I do have, but he fusses just as much before letdown as after. (And before, he would simply pull off during letdown if it was too much, and latch back on after the spray stopped, with just a little fuss at having to wait.) 

 Out of desperation to get *something* in his belly, I gave him his first bottle of pumped milk and he took it without any trouble. Which both relieved me and broke my heart a little; I know it's not like he's rejecting his mama, but that's what it feels like. :( 

 We have a pediatrician appointment in three days, but I don't know if I can make it til then if this keeps up. It kills me to see him hungry but too upset to eat. 

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