Single Parents

What's right for a 2yo and 4yo?

I have two girls. One just turned 2 and the other will be 4 in a month. I've suggested that they have time with their dad Wed.-Thur. from 5:30-7:30 and all day Sunday.

That's what we've done for a month, and it's worked out well.

Their beds will be set up this week at his house. So overnights will begin soon. :(:(

Conceivably, they'll start spending the night soon Wed. and Thur., and then Sunday night. 

What do you fine people think? Is that a healthy schedule for that age group? Or am I actually giving him too much overnight time with them at this age?

Any opinions are much appreciated! I want to do what's right for them and not get sucked into HIS rules for how he thinks it should be.

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