
Reverse Cycling?

DD is almost 7 months old and has been at daycare from about 3 months of age.  Up until the past 2-3 weeks, she has been great about taking the bottle and eating during the day.  However, since she's started solids, and started with the crawling, sitting up, etc., she's been fussy about taking her bottles.  She either refuses them completely or her teachers have been feeding her from a spoon.  Additionally, she's been either eating a lot right before bed and last night, she ate 3 times (normally she only has one feeding at 11, if at all or one at 3 am). 

It seems to me like she is reverse cycling.  How long is this going to last?  I don't mind it too much since we just take her into bed if she cries when we are already asleep, but I don't know how much longer I can keep it up without being exhausted.

 Has anyone experienced anything similar?  Did giving milt to her in a sippy cup help?

 Last note, one of her teachers wants me to stop nursing so she'll take her bottles at daycare, but I just ignore her.  I really like her otherwise, so I just laugh it off.

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