
Scheduling c-section before, on or after due date?

My Dr. said if I choose a RCS over VBAC, she would typically schedule it for 1 week before my due date through my due date itself.  Because I like the idea that my body & baby know when it's time to be born, I would prefer to go into early labor and then have a c-section.  If that is not smart for some reason (e.g. complicates the surgery) then I would prefer to schedule as late as possible -- on the due date or a few days after.  DS was 9 days late (I went into labor on 8 days past the due date).

Does anyone have experience with planning to go into early labor and then having a planned c-section prior to active labor?  With scheduling before, on or after the due date?  What considerations should I be thinking about?

(I am not interested in an earlier c-section and my state does not even allow them prior to 39 weeks without a medical necessity.)

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