Single Parents

My only real complaint...

Is that I want more babies.

I can handle being alone. Sometimes I even feel that I thrive that way. I have a support system until I am done with school so I don't have to worry about that. I am playing the waiting game with SD to see what he will do but most of the time(especially now that my hormones are settling down) I can out logic him into doing what's right for LO.

But when I see posts about 2 under 2, who is pregnant/had their most recent baby and ttc I get really depressed that M is going to be my only one for years to come if not forever.

On a positive note my brother watched M for 3 hours today while I studied and then took a test. He did great! And I did great, too! Then we took photos of our boys in matching shirts my mom bought them when she was here for M's birth. At least he will have a really close cousin. Big Smile

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