
Growth spurt, reflux, overstimulation, or something else? (sorry, long)

Saturday night we were at a graduation party.  DD was great almost the entire night.  Around 8 or so, I knew it was almost time to leave, and planned to feed her and then go.  She started SCREAMING.  I'm carrying her by my shoulder, bouncing, etc..  she calms down a little, but not much.  I try to feed her.  She wants no part of that.  She was a little warm, but I spent some time cooling her down (took socks off, stood on top of a vent, etc...).  Anyway, she calmed down, and I am near certain she is hungry.  So I sat down and went to feed her.  She started screaming again.  I was in a more private room, off to the side, it was darker, etc...  Nope, she never did calm down.  I would up putting her in her carseat and we went home.  I fed her when we got home and all was fine.

We went out to eat tonight.  She did this again tonight- screaming and nothing we did in the restaurant would calm her down.  I tried to NIP but she wanted nothing to do with it.  It was a little before 8.  I eventually took her outside and she did calm down.  I sat down to feed her and she screamed again.  I calmed her down again, and she then ate just fine.  I don't think she got a complete meal because she fussed some more in the car for a bit afterwards, but she did fall asleep.. we were in a place where we couldn't really stop. 

I've noticed her arching her back a little, but not a ton.  Up until these last few days, she has not been fussy like this.  I do have a bit of an oversupply, but it's under control now... I pump once/day and get about 9 ozs out, and that's to empty about 3-4 hours after she goes to bed (she sleeps 9-11 hrs/night straight).   The weird part is that she's fussy at the breast which is normally what calms her down. 

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