
BF - good Pumping - no good

My DS is 4 weeks, I head back to work at 8 weeks. Last week I started adding pumping to our schedule to build up a supply for when I go back to work. (I also pumped the first week after he was born due to bad latch). The issue is I barely get any milk when I pump, 1-3 oz/day. DS eats every 2-3 hours for 30-40 mins. 

I spoke to a LC today she recommended pumping for 15 mins each hour for 3 hours in a row and taking fenugreek. She said based on what I had tried I may not have enough supply to successfully build up a stash. She also said some people just don't succeed at pumping. 

I would really like to BF/pump for at least 6 months.

Any thoughts on how to be successful at this? Recommendations on how to better use the PISA, settings or schedule - times/day, time, etc? Thanks 

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