
XP from 3rd Tri: Elective C-Section-Size

I'm wondering what you all think and/or if you have any experience with elective c-sections.  Baby boy has been measuring big since 8 weeks and at my growth scan last week at 37 weeks 2 days, I was told he was measuring at 9.5 lbs which could be off 1.5 lbs either way.  So he's either currently 8 lbs or 11 lbs.  Ultrasound tech said she hoped we didn?t by any newborn diapers lol.

Doc says their "eyebrows are raised" and that the biggest concern is shoulder dystocia.  She explained this can happen with a baby of any size and that it's not guaranteed to happen just because he's larger, but it is something to be aware of.  She explained that they don't really do elective c-sections unless you feel strongly about it (and even then, it sounded iffy).  They will basically just watch and see and do another growth scan on my due date "if I'm still pregnant".

I've done some research and have been thinking about it since then, and I know there's no guarantee he will be huge and no guarantee there will be any problems if I try to deliver vaginally, but I would feel more comfortable with a c-section.  I don't want to try to deliver vaginally and end up with them using forceps or laboring forever and stressing my baby only to end in an emergency c-section because he's stuck or something.  I'd just rather not take the chance.  I don't want the c-section early.  I'd go as close to his due date as possible.

What are your thought's/experiences with this? Also, my doc is very cut and dry, and sort of stuck in her ways I guess you could say.  What would you do if you wanted a c-section for the reasons I described above and they refuse? Can they do that?


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Me: 29 (dx:PCOS-Otherwise all clear)~DH: 34 (dx: MFI-Low everything)~IVF w/ ICSI Only Option

TTC #1 Since January 2011

IVF#1 w/ ICSI 5/25/11~ER 6/30/11: 9R 9M 8F!~ET 7/5/11: 1 beautiful embie transferred~nothing to freeze~Beta 7/18/11: BFN :-(

IVF#2 w/ ICSI 9/1/11~Start Lupron 9/21/11~Start stims 9/29/11~ER 10/11/11: 17R 15M 12F~ET 10/16/11: 2 blasts (one AA!) transferred~1 snow baby!!~10/21/11: +HPT!!!!!~Beta 10/28/11: BFP!!!!!...Beta#1: 1000!!! Beta #2: 2508!~1st u/s 11/10/11: HR 115 bpm <3 2nd u/s 11/23/11 <br>
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