
DD will only take bottle from daycare, not mommy!

My DD will only take bottles from our day care provider, not me or dad. Sometimes she will take it - just an ounce or two - before screaming. Its like she eats enough to take the edge off but then wines and cries until I give her the boob. I want to keep nursing her in mornings/nights, but it would be nice to give her a bottle on the weekends when we are out and about, or to have daddy be able to feed her at home. She will not take it from me - just cries and cries. She rarely if ever will take it from my husband.

Any suggestions on this? She is four months old. I am lucky now that my supply is okay, but I worry that if it drops and I need to introduce formula to supplement, she won't take it. I also am not comfortable nursing in public so if we are out on the weekends, I want to bottle feed and not nurse. Especially as she gets older ... she needs to starting taking the bottle from me. Help!

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TTC #2

CP#1: March 2011 -- BFP: June 2011 ... Had DD in Feb 2012 -- CP#2: February 2013


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