
Please Help! Supply related..

My dd is 5 weeks old.  She was born at 8lbs 6oz, and is currently only 8lbs 12 oz (well, as of last tuesday's dr appt).  For right now, she is ebf, however the dr wants to discuss supplementing at her 2 month appt if she hasn't gained 1 1/2 lbs more. 

I pump like crazy after each feeding hoping to increase my supply.  I've been doing this for a couple of weeks, and I still am barely able to pump much at all.  The most I've ever pumped in one sitting was about 1 1/2 oz and that was when she only ate from one side and I pumped the other. Most of the time it's about 1/2 oz total.

I started eating oatmeal last Thursday and then taking fenugreek on Friday hoping to increase my supply. I thought she was taking in more both saturday and sunday because she was gulping for about 10 min per side.. which was unusual.  However, today it's back to normal... gulping for 2-3 min, then more lazy sucking. Also, Saturday and Sunday she had one blowout per day (lots more poo than normal, and requiring a clothes change).  Today she seems really irritable and gassy.. wondering if this is related to fenugreek.

I'm just not sure what to do... I want her to gain weight being EBF, but I'm beginning to doubt it's possible.  Also, I wanted to start a freezer stash as I have to return to work in about 6 weeks. 

 Any help is appreciated!!




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