Dads & Dads-to-be

New to This Thread.

So, this must be new, as I have not seen it here until this morning.  I have been making ocassional posts to the Sept. Mom's to be thread, but that has been an adventure for the most part.  There do not seem to be an forums out there for us, so this is awesome!

My name is Trevin, and we live in Milwaukee.  My wife, Megan, is due 9/12.  This is our first, and it is a boy.  Jacob Abraham.

We have our second ultrasound tomm. and that will be great to see.  We had one two months ago, so we are anxious to see the development of our little boy from then to now.

I spent Father's Day finishing the boy's room, including the crib.  I thought I was exhausted when I finally crashed out for the night, but I ended up not falling asleep until 2 in the morning.  First night I was actually racing in my mind, worrying....

Baby's not here yet, but father instincts are in full effect!!

Dude....this is awesome to finally have some dudes to talk to!!

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