
Help me decide which is best...

DS had his frenulum clipped today, so hopefully his latch will be much better.  Right now, due to painful, bloody sores on my nipples from his poor latch, I have been pumping and bottle feeding him in order to help the sores get better.

My dilemma is that I don't want to bottle feed for long because I know he'll get used to it and not want to go back.  I've tried using a nipple shield, but it still irritates the sores and doesn't seem to be helping (perhaps I'm not using it correctly, but I think I am).

So, I have two options...

I can go back to breast-only feedings, which is what I'd like, but I know it'll be a while before DS completely corrects his latch, and I'm not sure how long the sores will take to heal at that point.  Plus, if it's too painful or they get worse, I might be back to where I am now.


I can continue to pump/bottle feed for the next day or two until the sores are mostly (hopefully completely) healed, and then attempt to get him back to the breast.

Any suggestions?  I've talked to my local LCs, but they just gave me options, no advice on which would be best.

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