
Pumping schedule

I'm trying to figure out what my pumping schedule should look like for building up my stash and having some extra for bottles right now.

My twin girls are 3 weeks old and I've been pumping for 10 minutes immediately after each feeding since they were born. This was the plan the  LC had us set up since we needed to have supplement bottles right off the bat to help the girls gain weight. They were born at 35 weeks so had a rough time latching and sucking at first.

 At this point, the girls have each gained a pound above their birth weights and they're doing awesome with nursing. They nurse for 15-20 minutes every 2.5-3.5 hours throughout the day and night.

Should I continue to pump after every feeding? It's kind of a pain and I'm getting only a half ounce to an ounce out of each side at this point. What's a normal pumping schedule look like for those of you who feed and pump? 


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