
Breastfeeding Questions

Hi ladies!

I am a STM, however I feel like a FTM with BF.  With DS1 I had a lot of problems trying to BF.  It was a very trying and frustrating time, and we were only able to BF for about 3 months, while supplementing with formula throughout that time.  

DS2 was born 5 days ago, and things are completely different!  I would like to BF for as long as possible this time around.  However, I feel like I know nothing.  I have just a few questions for all of you moms who BF.

What do I need for breastfeeding?  What products made it easier for you?

Is there any way to prevent/ease the pain of engorgement?

Do I need to invest in a pump now, or should I wait?- Last time we rented one from the hospital, but we have moved and that isn't an option this time around.

Thanks so much for your help! I am so appreciative of any advice I can get!  

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