
Help with supply issues for older baby

Okay here is our situation.  I work full time so am pumping 3 times per day at work.  Then he eats when I get home and then before cereal and before bed.  He is a little over 8 months old.  I don't pump on the weekends.  Everything seems to be fine when we are together but he is more of a snacker.  Through the week he takes his 3-5oz bottles fine.  We do co-sleep though and he eats throughout the night and I am not even sure how often/how much. 

Here is my issue. When I pumping lately though I am getting much less milk and only even noticed a dip in my supply because of pumping I am not even sure I would know there was an issue otherwise. He has never had any issues with weight gain or anything and he doesn't eat a ton of solids so I don't think he is replacing his milk with solids.  Could it just be that he is reverse cycling and my milk during the day has taken a hit?  Is there any hope in increasing the supply at this point?  Should I prepare for my milk to dry up and start putting an end to the co-sleeping now?  My original goal was 6 months but now would really like to make it to 1 yr.  What would you do in this situation?

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