Babies on the Brain

Intro :)

Hi! My name is Brooke and I've been lurking around for a while and thought I'd finally get around to sharing myself with you guys.
I'm twenty, almost twenty one. I've been with my boyfriend for two years, and he's 23. We have a cat child named Carson, and recently gave away our other rescued cat, Kitten, to a little boy with cancer (which may have been one of the hardest things I've done recently).
My boyfriend, A, has planned to enlist (go army!), so we're working on that, and we'll get married before he goes to bct. I'm excited to start our life together, travel the country, and see what is in store of us.
Recently, I had a pregnancy scare, which is totally not what we had planned. We though we'd do the whole, get married, be young, then start our family. But I waited to test, thinking maybe this was a rare time that I was late. Within that two weeks, I got really used to the idea, and when I found out I wasn't pregnant, I wouldn't say I was crushed, but a little disappointed. I've always wanted to be younger(ish) when I had kids, and I guess I thought it'd come sooner than later.
So for now, we're definitely not trying (although we both said if it happened, it wouldn't be the worst), but I'll hangout here, and live vicariously through some others while I try to occupy my time other ways.

If you read all of that, thanks! Guess I just needed to vent :) Talk to you later!

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