
Desperately hoping someone can reassure me

DD had a lot of health issues after she was born, which combined with our lack of knowledge and pressure from everyone about "what's best" lead to me having to EP.  I stuck with it for four months, but after supply and other issues, I quit.

I kept hoping that I could stick it out with DS.  Knowing that I understood way more about BFing and could persevere, I was hopeful things would work out.

Well, I'm not so sure now, and I need your help.  DS was born on Wednesday night.  We found on on Friday night that he has tongue-tie, which explained my cracked, bloody nipples despite several LCs telling me his latch looked okay.  He has a hard time staying on and ends up really doing nipple damage.  He also feeds so slowly and falls asleep quickly because he can't extend his tongue and get enough milk.

Right now, my nipples look like raw hamburger (sorry).  I simply cannot keep trying to nurse him.  He goes tomorrow to get his tongue clipped, which I'm hoping will help.  Until then, I'm pumping and bottle feeding him while using lanolin, BM, and soothie gel pads to try to repair my nipples enough to latch him on after his procedure tomorrow.

Someone tell me that one day of bottle feeding isn't going to ruin BFing for ever.  With my DD, we had to pump/feed for several days, and she just wouldn't/couldn't go back to nursing, so matter how hard we tried.  I'm so fearful the same thing will happen with DS.

Also, if you have some miracle cure for open, raw sores on nipples or a story about tongue clipping success, please share!

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