
Colic and comfort sucking

I'm really hoping AmyG or someone with a lot of knowledge will see this post and be able to help....

My twins are almost 8 weeks, they are growing great. We got off to a very rough start with BFing though, I had a lot of nipple damage from shallow latches and such. We've fixed the latch and they can nurse fine, no pain. The problem is their non-nutritive comfort sucking. They pinch off my nipples to stop the milk flow and it is soooo painful and the damae refuses to heal.

When I met with an LC a few weeks ago, her only suggestion was to give them a pacifier when they just want to comfort suck, in order to get them to stop pinching my nipples. But both boys have colic and don't want pacifiers, they only want me. Most of the time, letting them comfort nurse is the only thing that calms them down, but I really can't stand the pain for much longer, it's been almost 2 months after all!

What on earth do I do??? Any advice??? Please help, thank you!

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