
Amount taken at 5+ months?

Hi ladies, I usually lurk here and have picked up some really good advice so I'm hoping someone can help me.  I have a question about the amount that your LOs take if you pump at 5+ months.  Up until this past week DD (5 months old) has taken an average of 12-14 ounces pumped milk while I am at work.  However the past three days she has taken 17-22 ounces pumped milk.  I am unable to keep up with this amount, so I was wondering if this is a normal amount for her age or if it seems like a growth spurt.  We started rice cereal a week ago because she kept trying to attack our plates and reaching for spoons and cups, etc.  I was originally worried that DD would want less BM since we started the cereal but it seems like she wants much more now.  

Should she be taking this much at her age?  Should we add an extra meal?  I'm sad that I'm not able to keep up with DD anymore even after I added an extra pump session after she goes to bed at night and am worried that this is the beginning of the end. :(  Any encouragement would be very welcome!  Thanks in advance.

BFP#1: natural m/c at 6w1d - 3/1/11
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