
Unsure of how I'm going to keep this up...

I could really use some advice/experience here. I've been BFing and had a lot of lactation help in the hospital and thought we were doing ok. Then on Monday at the first pedi appointment my LO had lost almost 1 1/2 lbs from birth weight (down to 5lbs10oz from 7 even at birth). I saw a LC who did a weighted feeding, and she said my milk was in but my supply was just really low. On the advice of the LC and pedi we're now on a schedule of feeding, pumping, and supplementing pumped milk and formula every 3 hours. I'm also taking Reglan and Fenugreek and eating as many oats as I can stand...

It seems to be working, and on Friday she was up to 5lbs 15 oz. My pumping output is increasing but it's still only about 2-3oz per day. We're supplementing with about 2 oz of formula a day too.

I'm just not sure how long I can keep this up. I really, really want to BF, but has anyone ever experienced this low of a supply and still gone on to EBF (or close to it, with limited supplementing)? I just can't see how I'll be able to keep up with her growing needs with how low my supply is. I'm getting discouraged that I'll just have to keep supplementing more and more and I'm worried that we won't be able to get my supply up.

Thanks for any thoughts/advice/stories of experience!

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