Single Parents

Surprise, Surprise (Long Man Bash)

So, Tuesday we told SD to let us know if he wanted DS for Father's Day, and/or when we could schedule something for his dad to meet his newest grandson. He hasn't called to set anything up. As much as he goes on and on about being a dad, you'd think his very first father's day would be important to him. Guess not. I've always known of being a father meant not spending time with his soulmate of the week, then he wouldn't want to schedule around LO. Of course, this means I don't have to deal with him tomorrow!

Next, we've been planning for weeks that DD would spend Father's Day with her father, half brothers, and paternal grandfather. I get a text canceling lunch with her grandfather. I replied back that she could still do something with her brothers. He said, True. Then, he sends another text saying he's decided to go to Austin instead. UGH!!! These men need to get their priorities straight. You can always drive to Austin later. It's an hour and half away. You can't always spend Sunday with your only daughter. In fact, this is the ONLY Sunday she has free ALL summer!

To top it all off, he cancelled on her birthday dinner. You only turn 16 once.  Take the time and come back to San Antonio for dinner! Luckily, since the birthday dinner is a surprise, she won't know about that. My mom calls him a Dad of convenience. Meaning when it's convenient for him, he's there.

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