
No milk yesterday...

This really freaked me out... up until now I've had a good milk supply... LO has been gaining and having many pee-poopy diapers...

Yesterday I could not get enough milk to feed her.  I also tried pumping, and only got a little over an ounce where I usually get around 4 ounces.  Her diapers were pretty much dry as well... I didn't do anything different, drink plenty of water, etc... She spent most of the day at my breast.  I wear a nipple shield, and usually the milk is dripping from it after a feeding, but it was dry.

Towards the end of the day, I gave in and gave her a little bit of refridgerated BM, and I also stripped her down and had some skin-to-skin time, with her at my nipple... I finally had letdown and she started to feed.  I woke up in the middle of the night and pumped 5 ounces then... And today my supply seems to be back to normal.

It really scared me because I was frightened that I was going to start to dry up... I thought it may be clusterfeeding, except like I said, her diapers were dry and she didn't seem to be getting very much milk at all...

Has this ever happened to anyone else?  Any idea what it might have been?

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