
How do I know she's getting hindmilk if I don't feel "empty" or "full"?

I think my milk came in on DD's 6th day, but I'm not sure because I never got engorged, and have never felt a difference between an empty or full breast. And since I never feel empty and full, I'm having trouble with how long she should be at each breast. She only sucks vigorously for 5 minutes or less, and then starts to fall asleep. I've been reading the tricks for keeping her awake at the breast, but it's not always successful, and I'm not sure how long to keep struggling to keep her awake. I know it's important that she empties the breast so she gets the hind milk, I just can't tell when that happens!

So any advice would be much appreciated!  

How long do I try to keep her actively sucking at each breast?

Is it better to spend a lot of time on the first breast, or equal time on both?

Any tricks for knowing if I'm empty? 


TTC #1 since Jan '11
Aug '11: 50mg Clomid = BFP!
Mallory Layne born at 2 days early on June 7 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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