
completely overwhelmed!

Hi ladies, my LO is only 4 days old. I am totally overwhelmed by this breastfeeding thing. While we were in the hospital, the peds saw that she was a bit dehydrated, and told me to supplement using a syringe until my milk came in more. Now I feel as though my milk has come in, but it seems as though LO is never satisfied. My husband and I are at our wits end, and sometimes end up just giving her formula so that she will go to sleep because it seems thats the only way she gets satisfied. I feel like a horrible mother for giving up so quickly, but at the same time, I know she needs restful sleep as much as I do. (which has only been like 8 hours since she was born) 

She latches on very good, and luckily I have a nipple sheld otherwise my nipples would have fallen off already. But it seems she likes to fall asleep at the breast. When I try to wake her, I burp her, and try to get her on the other breast, she ends up doing the same thing. Just falling asleep. When I say 'ok.. maybe shes just tired" and I go to lay her down, or let her sleep on my skin, she stays wide awake and starts suckleing on her fingers, or on my  neck or whereever she can, so then I start to feed her again.... and we go through this for about 2-3 hours! I'm exhausted... I'm tired, I'm crying all the time... I dont know what to do. Everyone keeps telling me I'm doing a great job, and that it takes time. But I'm really stressed over this constant routine and not even knowing if she's getting enough to eat.  

 please help me... 

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