
Mastitis with an older baby/toddler

I am having trouble getting my breast to empty. I am nursing DD frequently, but she just doesn't take as much milk now as she did when I had mastitis when she was 2 months old. I also can't do that,'go to bed with your baby and nurse' bit like I did then. LOL!

I started antibiotics yesterday afternoon and my fever is gone and I feel better, but my breast is still bright red, hard as a rock and very painful.

I spent 45 minutes in a hot shower hand expressing yesterday. I likely won't get that luxury today since it is just me and DD. I am alternating hot and cold compresses which does feel good. DD is enjoying the novelty of strange feeding positions, though she does not like me to massage my breast while she is nursing. I haven't pumped since DD was 10 months old and my body just stopped letting down for the pump.

Is there anything else I can try? 

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