
pumping question- how many cc's for 6 day old?

Hi Ladies!


I am sure I will be getting to know you all  VERY well, I have been having a lot of issues with breast feeding but I am refusing to give up. My question for right now is how much should I be pumping at this point when he is 6 days old? I am not sure if I have a good supply for his stomach size. How many ounces can his stomach hold per feeding? I believe he is getting enough because he has tons of wet and dirty diapers.  I pumped on my right breast a got 1 1/2 ounces, then pumped on the left (I had started with left at last feeding) and got an addtional 1/2 ounce. 

My baby will eat ALL DAY LONG. He nurses for about 10 mins, fall asleep on the nipple, I try to burp him, repeat this a few times before he will actually take a nap which takes about 2 hours. Is this normal? Not sure if this has to do with my supply. Thank you ladies! 

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