Single Parents

Newly Single Mom

Hello. I have been a lurker of TB most of my pregnancy, but now that I'm going to be a single mom (as of two weeks ago), I thought it was time to reach out to hopefully find some support from women with similar stories. Some background - I am pregnant with a baby boy due in October. Baby boy was a suprise, but having a loving boyfriend of six years, it just seemed as though we were just starting our family a little earlier than anticipated. Let's get excited! Fast forward to two weeks ago, I received an "I'm not in love with you anymore" speech, and he left me....for someone else. It was shocking to say the least. I am trying to figure out how to grieve the loss of my best friend, as well as figure out how the heck I'm going to do this on my own. I NEVER anticipated being a single mom (most single mom's don't, obviously). Any stories of hope and words of encouagement would be much appreciated. I just need to know I'm strong enough to do this!

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