Breastfeeding suck (freestyle issues)

#1  i don't want to talk to a guy with broken english about my breast pumping issues

#2 when i tell you i am currently on my pumping break and it took 5 tries to get suction with my freestyle...YES i have a problem

#3 i am not an idiot...the first thing i did was check to make sure it was put together correctly and that nothing was broken


My freestlye loses suction on 1 or both sides quite often now.  only been using it for 6 weeks, so the parts arent old.  any advice?  or should i try medela cs again?

ETA:  Ok...I called back.  I got a nice lady this time and she is sending a new spare parts kit and new tubing.  Not sure if this will fix it though...I have already replaced the parts 2x...maybe it is the tubing.

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
TTC #1 13 cycles, CP 6/09, TTC #2 1 cycle
CDing, EP'd for 13 months for #1, BFing for #2
Pregnancy Hypertension - inductions at 39w, I grow big babies: DD was 9 pounds 1 ounce 22 inches, DS was 11 pounds even 22 inches - both vaginal deliveries
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