
pumping at work question

Right now LO is EBF. He usually eats at just one breast per feeding. To start building a freezer stash DH has started giving him a bottle of expressed BM for his last feeding of the night and I pump in place of that feeding. I get enough for the next night's feeding and another 2-4 oz to freeze. We like doing it this way so DH gets a chance to feed LO and since DH is home then to help with LO, I can pump with no risk of distraction. Plus he sucks down a bottle pretty quickly, so I feel like he is getting a big meal and will maybe sleep longer :) I sometimes pump once earlier in the day (late morning/early afternoon) if it works out.

 I will be going back to work when LO is 11 weeks old, so in about 4 weeks. I hope to pump 3 times/day at work, and should be able to at least pump 2 times a day at a minimum. Here's my question - When I pump at work should I be pumping both sides every time, or should I just pump one side per session, similar to what I'd be doing if I was home with LO? I assumed I'd pump both sides each session, but have started to wonder - will that leave me crazy engorged on weekends then so that I would have to pump during the day on weekends as well?


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