
? for those whose DH do a nightfeed

So I am desperate for just 1 night of straight sleep.  Fortunately, my LO is down to 1 wake-up a night to eat (~4:00am), so I think if I can convince my DH to just do 1 night to let me sleep, I'll feel much better, and it won't wreak havoc on my supply.  

The problem is that my LO won't take cold BM.  I can't pump right before going to bed because I don't get enough at that pump for a full feeding.  If my DH were to do the feeding, he would have to go get a bottle out of the refrigerator downstairs, wait for the bottle warmer to warm the bottle up, go back upstairs and then go feed LO.  Not only does that make for a crying baby at 4am, which would wake me up anyway, but it's a lot more trouble for him to have to go through than for me to just roll out of bed, stick the baby on, and then roll back to bed, so I'm having a hard time convincing him to do it.  Anyone figure out a better way to do this?  Am I missing something or does everyone else have a great DH who doesn't mind doing all that and can you sleep through the baby crying waiting to get her bottle?  


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