Single Parents

feel like the worst mum in the world

Well my postpartum depression hit an all-time high today and I had to let my ex take Emma until my meds kick in. Long story short before the split my ex was in another country for 3 years (military) I suffered from depression while he was gone but thought it would be better when he came home. That was not to be we had a rough time when he got back, his infidelity etc. was hard for me to handle. We made a go of it, I got pregnant, he left me at 3 months. I have held it together for 9 months now and finally it just got a little too much for me to handle. I am from England so I have no family or friends in this country and no one to help out.

I feel like a horrible mum but I have to do what?s best for my child and get better. So I let him take her for two weeks (and its breaking my heart).

My question is do you guys ever feel overwhelmed by being a single mum, if so do you have any tips or ways you deal with the loneliness or responsibility.

I have a great job, the baby is awesome I am not worried about money I just feel so worried that I am not going to do a good job as a mum that I become so anxious it?s not funny. I would post this on the PPD board but I think single mums might understand more what I am going through. I am so scared of losing her that I am making it happen.

I love this little girl so much that any advice is appreciated (I am seeing a doctor for the PPD).


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