Babies on the Brain

J won an award!

Sorry for the AW, but I'm just so darn proud.  They had the final awards assembly at J's school where they give out 4 awards for each grade based on PBIS system they use. (Positive Behavior Instructional Support).

J won the Kindness award for the 3rd grade!  It's really nice to know that she treats others with kindness at school the same way she does at home.  I worry sometimes because she is part of the popular clique and girls can be mean.

The other awards were for safety, responsibility, and respect.  If you read the GBCN CD board, you can probably figure out why she didn't win the respect award ;) 

ETA, my typing fail. 

m/c 1.13.13 @ 9 weeks m/c 11.11.12 @ 5w2d Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Mysterious_wife: "And for the love of all things that sparkle, remove your last name" on BOTB.
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