Babies on the Brain

Getting nervous

My fiance and me have decided that we are going to try for a baby. I am starting to feel so nervous. I am a tom boy I barely know how to paint my nails and do my make up, doing hair is another thing I know nothing about it. My mom and sister are very girly girls. And what if I have a daughter that is a girly girl I won't be able to do their hair or show them anything about fashion, since my fashion consist of tennis shoes and jeans and a t-shirt. 

Also I am scarred my child might hate me. I know that is dumb but I don't get along very well with my parents and my fiance doesn't get along with his real dad at all.

I guess what I really am nervous about is that I am going to fail miserably. And I am already trying so hard. I want to be the best mother ever. I have picked up multiple books and have started reading and I have been doing online research. I really want to be the type of mom that my kid tells everyone that I am the best mom. Is anyone else getting nervous or having the same fears?  

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