
Encouraging C-section story

So, I just wanted to post a quick encouraging story for anyone who's scared out of their mind about a c-section. Obviously EVERYONE's experience is different, but I just wanted to give anyone who was scared a little hope..

First, I had a scheduled c-section, so while I did go into labor, I never progressed past 1 cm and 70% effacement and I was released from the hospital, but my section was quickly scheduled for the next day because of my super high blood pressure. I know that people who labor and then have to have a section have different stories.

 My section was scheduled for noon. Walking into the OR was a little bit overwhelming because of so many emotions (especially without DH being allowed in for the epi/spinal) but the nursing staff at my hospital was unbelievable and made me feel so comfortable. I honestly was more scared about the epi/spinal than the c-section. It was easy and somewhat painless. Just a few pricks and some pressure. I started to feel a little lightheaded and told the anesthesiologist and she gave me something that worked very quickly. She was great at asking how I was doing. My arms weren't strapped down and the screen was put up pretty quickly so I couldn't see them prep me. DH came in soon after and we were off. My OB is incredible and we basically had a party in OR. We were all telling jokes and laughing and he would pop his head over the screen occasionally to see how I was doing or tell me something funny. He made a big difference in everything. Within 10 minutes, baby was born. I didn't feel anything but tugging and pulling (and it took two of them to tug and pull him out since he was so high). We heard his sweet cry and I was able to see him. They took him to the warmer to wash him off and I could see him the whole time. They brought him over to us pretty quickly and DH held him next to me. The finished their tests and weights and DH took him back to the recovery room to wait for me. About 10 minutes later I was wheeled back to recovery and was able to do some skin to skin and start nursing. I felt great. I thought I would be out of it from the epi but was totally with it and actually had quite a bit of energy. We stayed in recovery for about an hour and had our own little family time. The spinal was still in effect so I had no feeling in my legs, but it was fine.

We then were moved to our post partum room and family met us up there to see him. I was alert and laughing with family. The spinal started to wear off but I still had the epi and it was pumping pain meds. I only had to press my button twice for the extra dose of medication. The only time I felt really pain (as opposed to just discomfort or cramping) was when the nurse came in that evening to get me to start moving and I rolled over and swear I ripped my incision open, but didn't at all. It was a quick pain that didn't linger. Baby stayed iwth us that night and DH had to change all the diapers and help me feed him since I couldn't get out of bed...but it was great for him to be so involved.

Around 6 am the next morning, my epi was removed. Catheter was next around 7 a.m. and then the IV came out around 8. I had to have help getting up and walking, but it wasn't painful, just a little awkward. They made me call for help getting up 3 times before I was allowed to do it on my own. I have very little bleeding (like a normal period) and am currently just wearing panty liners at 5 days post surgery. I stayed in bed for most of that day but got up and showered and walked on the third day. I was able to get in and out of bed without pain (but I made sure I stayed on top of my pain meds). My incision is very low and according to all who look at it, it looks great. There's no redness, pain or swelling. 

The fourth day we were able to be released and I was moving around really well. Movements are a little slow, but not painful. I also have to say that I have a VERY LOW tolerance to pain. I sometimes forget that I've just had major surgery and can't lift things. We're 5 days past surgery and I feel great. I'm only taking a pain pill once a day and will probably stop doing that tomorrow.

 I know my experience is just that, mine, but I went into this scared out of my mind have come out the other side completely happy with how everything went. I wish you all have the same experience or better! 

Baby Boy - Born June 8, 2012 Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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