Single Parents

Hardcore side-eyeing right now...

So, I don't normally pay attention to what LO father is doing but lately something has come to my attention. Let me start off by saying that DS has everything he could possibly need and then some. So it's not like he is getting cheated or anything.

Since LO has been born I have heard him mention several times how his friends have bought stuff for the baby to keep at his house. But none of this stuff will be age appropriate by the time SD gets to have unsupervised visits. In the back of my mind I was kind of wondering what he was doing with all of it but I didn't actually care so I've never asked. Well, today on the phone he mentions how a co-worker, who I actually know and like, put together a goodie basket of stuff for the baby. Around $50 worth of stuff. And then he mentions how it will be easy to take it all back since he put the reciept with it. And that's what he's done with everything else. He just took it back for the cash/gift cards.

Like I said LO is not deprived of stuff/toys. But I find it really rude that people are buying baby stuff thinking they are helping provide for a 'broke dad,' and he is actually just returning it for spending money. I figured this is what he was doing but it really makes me made that I know the co-worker and he's a nice guy that doesn't have a lot of spare cash himself.

Anyway, vent over. Back to my smiley baby.

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