
Has anyone ever tried...?

I often let DH give my DD a bottle of pumped milk before bed. As much as I enjoy nursing before bedtime, it allows me to either put my DS to bed, or not have to be the only one who can put DD to bed.  Anyway, so she gets a bottle that I have pumped first thing in the morning, typically right when my son gets up (around 6:15am).  The milk in the morning has the least fat, and the milk at night has the most... so... what I am getting at is, should I possibly skim the top off of other bottles of milk to give my DD the extra fat that she's missing out on before bed (and possibly keep her asleep a bit longer?) She typically sleeps about 5-7 hours the first stretch, 2-3 the next, and then another 2-3.  Just wondering if anyone has ever tried that. 
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