
Switching from EPing to EBF

I have been EPing since my son was born 9 weeks ago.  I started pumping because my son was a very sleepy baby who would not latch / feed properly at the breast.  I so desperately want to be able to nurse him.  At the suggestions of some Bumpies, I have put in a call to a LLL leader and I'm currently awaiting a call back.  I would like to start to trying him at the breast, but feel completely clueless as to what I'm doing. Has anyone switched from EPing to EBF when their baby was a little older?  If so, how did you successfully accomplish this?  How often should I try him at the breast?  How do you know if baby has had enough to eat?  On average, how long should each session last?  Feed from both, or just one breast?  How often, and when, should I pump to keep up my supply while transitioning to EBF?  Any other tips and / or advice will be greatly appreciated. 

Today I tried nursing him and he was on both breast combined for a total of 65 minutes!  He dozed off and on a little bit during this time.  When I removed him he immediately started sucking on his fingers like he was still hungry, but he never cried.  Could it be that he is not nursing effectively, therefore, not getting enough milk?

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