
6 mo old weaning?

This could be completely normal or have to do with teething, so I could be way off base.  But, last night my ds didn't want his usual bedtime feeding and fell asleep on his own.  I thought hey he's learning to fall asleep on his own, but tonight was a major problem, although I knew he was hungry and tired he would just scream if I tried to bf.  I guess I should also say during the day he eats fine and even night feeding he is fine.  It seems that between the hours of 5-10pm he wants nothing to do with the boob and is super cranky.  I fed him some cereal and he ate it all no problem.  He got upset again and I just held him until he fell asleep.  Is it possible he could just be weaning his bed time feeding?  And, isn't that usually the last one to go?  I really want to bf for at least a year, and I am just hoping this isn't the start of him weaning himself off bf.  Any thoughts?
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