
rice milk? coconut milk?

I am still nursing my 11-month old, but started offering her a sippy cup with water (or diluted prune juice if she's constipated) when she was about 6 months. Only recently has she really started enjoying the sippy cup. I'd like to offer her rice milk sometimes. Or coconut milk. Thoughts on this? 
Ruby Mirabelle born July 9 at 10:56pm!
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
Married 05/30/09 & TTC ever since Clomid only for 5 cycles IUI #1: 06/07/10 BFN IUI#2: 08/19/10 BFN IVF #1 started 10/07/10, ER 10/17/10 6 retrieved/6 fertilized, ET on day 5 10/22/10... Beta #1 on 11/5/10: 680!!!, Beta #2 on 11/8/10: 2337!!!, U/S 11/18/10 Got to see the tiny beating heart! What a blessing! 12/2/10 U/S HB 176 & I'm released! Anniversary
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