
Cow's Milk? Suggestions appreciated...

Hi Ladies!


It's been about 9 months since the last time I was active on the boards. Let's just say I've been busy ;)

So here's my question/misunderstanding. Pedi says LO "needs to switch to WCM" when he turns 1 year old. He's been EBF his entire life. As a SAHM he's had just a handful of bottles. Currently he nurses about 5 to 6 times a day in combination with 2 or 3 meals (table food such as pancakes, yogurt, vegetables, chicken, cheese, pasta, rice, etc.). 

So when babies are 12 months they CAN drink WCM, but does that mean they SHOULD? Usually can doesn't always mean should, and I can't imagine WCM is better for LO than breastmilk. But... should I find a way to incorporate some WCM into his diet? Are there things it provides that breastmilk doesn't? How are you moving forward after LO turns 12 months? Are you giving LO a combination of WCM along with nursing?

I will allow LO to nurse for as long as he needs. If that's up to 12 months or 3 years, I'm happy with what he needs. But maybe I'll introduce WCM in a sippy cup with meals and possibly once on it's own as a "snack"? My biggest concern is making sure he's getting enough nutrition when breastmilk is no longer his main source. Breastfeeding is so easy! You just feed LO when they're hungry and don't have to think about it! Now I have to think about it... so strange ;)

Your thoughts/suggestions would be appreciated. While my pedi is nice and does the job, they're not really too supportive of breastfeeding. They told me to stop when LO was 6 months old because "it's benefits have run out".



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