
cluster feeding? 1 week old

Ok, my 10 day old baby cluster feeds... well she eats non stop for 3 hours.  If I take her off, she is completely frantic trying to get back to my breast.  She screams until I put her on and is completely inconsolable until the breast is offered again.  Is this normal??  She cluster feeds like this about twice a day.  I am feeding her every two hours around the clock until a cluster feed occurs.  Can someone tell me if this is normal or if I should be refusing to nurse her for that long?  I'm one very tired and sore mama right now.

TTC #1 5 yrs, PCOS, Fertility treatment 11 months, Femera + Ovidrel. IUI#3 BFP DD 5/31/2012 Lilypie First Birthday tickers TTC #2 Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers
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