Single Parents

Does anyone ever just discuss being a single parent...

and not constantly ask about child support or custody or any of that stuff??

I have lurked for a while, mainly because all the posts are about stuff you should be calling your lawyer about or child services.  I as hoping for more discussion about being a mom (and, in my case also the dad) on your own.  

I used to be on the the month boards, but at some point, I just sort of found them less helpful.  I am in the process of getting a divorce and have been taking care of my now 11 month old daughter by myself since she was four months.  It doesn't matter why or how or what her dad is like.  I do it alone and I am the happiest I have ever been and wouldn't change it for the world.  I was just looking for other mom's in the same situation (married mom's don't get it). 

I know it appears I am a newbie to the bump (per my username and # of posts) but as I am sure many of you can understand, I had to change my username so the ex couldn't stalk me on here.

Anyone just want to chat about being a single parent and the ups and downs of it? 




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