Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Baby throwing up tylenol

Has anybody ever delt with a baby who throws up medicine? I mean the entire contents of her stomach all over the palce. First let me say I'm not one who jumps to medicine for every little thing. But I'm really thinking she is teething and the last two nights she has really been crying out like she is in pain. I decided to try to get her some tylenol becasue I felt IF that is what it is and I am letting her suffer I'd feel horrible. I've given it to her one other time after shots and she threw it up right away then too. Also the berry flavored gas drops she threw up. So I get CVS brand without any flavor and put in her bottles. It may very well be silent relux too. I'm going to ask about this at our next appt. coming up. Geez I hope she doesn't need it then for a sickness because she won't keep it down. Has anyone else experienced this? She gags pretty easy too.
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