
7mo old - unusual nursing habbits?

Okay, I have a couple of questions... First off, I have been on these message boards since like day 3 of bfing.. I have always read people saying that their supply is best first thing in the morning.  That if you're going to try to pump for a stash to do it after LO's first nursing session.  This is not, nor has it ever been (in 7 months) my case at all.  My LO still wakes at night 1-3 times (depending on the day) and when he wakes in the morning he nurses both sides completely empty.. goes back and forth between each breast several times.  Then wants to eat again 30min to 1hr later (both sides back and forth).   

 I just recently (last week) started staying at home during the week and just working weekends since childcare was a nightmare. I have always nursed on demand because I always wanted to make sure my supply stayed up.   I never minded nursing every hour or 1 1/2 hours when I'm with him.  However, now that I'm with him all the time, I thought that would go down.. nope.  He still nurses ALL THE TIME.  It would be one thing if he slept through the night, but he doesn't.   He's 7 months old and nurses like 12-14 times in 24 hours.  

When I was going to work he would have 3.5oz bottles every three hours.  I  have always pumped 1oz per hour since he last nursed.  This has never changed.  I have never supplemented.  I just started BLW at 6 months and he does snack, but still doesn't really eat much, as expected.  He is gaining well and thriving and all of that.   

The only other thing is that he only really nurses for like 10 minutes total.  I don't know if that matters at all...

Does anyone think this is normal feeding behavior for a 7mo old?  Any theories as to why he does this?  Any advice?   

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