
Mastitis affecting milk supply??

Towards the end of last week I was getting hot poker stabby pains in my breasts, especially in my left one. Friday at 7ish it hit me all at once, pains and chills and a fever. The on-call midwife told me to go to the ER when I finally called at 9pm and as soon as I got there and they took a look they said it was definitly mastitis. I was given IV antibiotics, sent home with and script for antibiotics for the next 10 days and was told to sterilize my pump parts.

Since then my supply has been decreasing and I'm freaking out!! Last week I was making between 40-43oz a day. Saturday I only pumped 38oz and yesterday I pumped 36. I got one more pump to do today and unless I get 6oz which I doubt I'm gonna be down ounces again. I realize I am only 7 weeks PP and I should be able to vamp it up again. I also realize I make more than DS eats, but I don't want this decrease to continue.

So my question is...has anyone had mastitis and experienced a dip in supply?? Did you go back up? Are the antibiotics affecting the supply? (though the ER doc said they're safe for BFing)

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