
BF while on Keppra?

This might be a long shot, but I thought Id ask here anyways. I have BF both of my older children. I was diagnosed with epliepsy in my first tri with this pregnancy. I am very conflicted on BFing while on Keppra (class C med). My neurologist had flat out said he wouldnt recommend it--the medicine insert says not to do it. My high risk ob/gyn said some people do.  I googled and found out that some people have and others have opted not to--so basically conflicting information from a medical and non-medical perspective.

I know it does pass through to BM--but from what I gather there has been no testing as to how much. Neurologist (one of the best out here) says the amount is greater in BM than in utero.  I have emailed our Pediatrician but he is out this week.

Any personal experieces here?

BFP#1 twins--m/c Baby B-- DC#1 DS 03/22/05 BFP#2 m/c 2006 BFP#3/DC#2 DD 10/22/09 BFP #4! EDD 9/15/12 at 9 dpo BabyFruit Ticker
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