Single Parents

Newborn visitation qs

My exboyfriend and I are on pretty good terms, and he has said he wants to be involved with the baby since we found out I was pregnant. I gave birth to our son May 16th and live alone. I breastfeed exclusively. My ex has made an effort to come over almost everyday to see the baby for about an hour. Now that the baby is almost 4 wks old, he wants me to start pumping so he can take him overnight. My ex lives with his mother, who is not that great with kids, and he has a gf that has recently threatened my life. I don't want to keep him from his child, especially when he wants to be involved. But I don't trust his mother or gf with my baby. We do not have the courts involved.

Q1:  At what age do you let your newborn stay overnight?

Q2: Should I make a stipulation about him always being there with the baby?

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